Trace collected at: 2011-12-02 15:16:33.791000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[15]: eem() ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[16]: em() ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[19]: idpu_load("0000ddff", "00") ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[22]: cmd.efw_clear() ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[24]: print >> log, "Resetting the SCE front panel error LEDs" ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[25]: cmd.SCE_CTRL_RESET_ERROR_COUNTERS() ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[28]: sleep(5) ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[31]: wait(APID_263, lambda: APID_263.RSTFLAG==0, flTimeout=30) ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[31]: wait(APID_263, lambda: APID_263.RSTFLAG==0, flTimeout=30) ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[32]: wait(APID_267, lambda: APID_267.RSTCTR==0, flTimeout=30) ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[32]: wait(APID_267, lambda: APID_267.RSTCTR==0, flTimeout=30) ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[34]: print >> log, "Checking for normal mode" ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[35]: if(APID_263.IDPUMODE != 1): ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[39]: print >> log, "OK: normal mode" ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[41]: print >> log, "Disabling sweeps" ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[42]: cmd.efw_disarm(4) ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[44]: print >> log, 'Patching target location' ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[45]: cmd.EFW_DISARM(3) #SRAM Scanning disabled ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[46]: cmd.EFW_SRMWRTCTL(0) #SRAM write control off ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[47]: util.POKE( 0x0D31, 0x7F ) ../GSEOS_scripts\[102]: cmd.EFW_ADRH( (addr >> 8 )& 0xff ) ../GSEOS_scripts\[103]: cmd.EFW_ADRL( addr & 0xff ) ../GSEOS_scripts\[104]: cmd.EFW_LOAD( byte ) ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[48]: cmd.EFW_SRMWRTCTL(1) ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[49]: cmd.EFW_ARM(3) ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[51]: print >> log, 'Turning on Compression' ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[52]: cmd.efw_arm(2) ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[54]: print >> log, 'Running script to load BEB Tables' ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[55]: scr.scr_0003() ../GSEOS_scripts\[5]: from efw import * ../GSEOS_scripts\[6]: from UTIL import * ../GSEOS_scripts\[8]: def main(): ../GSEOS_scripts\[5]: from efw import * ../GSEOS_scripts\[6]: from UTIL import * ../GSEOS_scripts\[8]: def main(): ../GSEOS_scripts\[10]: cmd.EFW_SRMWRTCTL(PROTECT=0) ../GSEOS_scripts\[11]: sleep(1) ../GSEOS_scripts\[12]: cmd.EFW_CMDS(COUNT= 8) ../GSEOS_scripts\[13]: sleep(1) ../GSEOS_scripts\[14]: efw.idpu_load("00006000", " 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 0c 12 18 1e 24 2a 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 00 69 00 6a 8c 51 4d 50 7f 59 f8 58 7f 61 f8 60 8c 52 4d 50 7f 5a f8 58 7f 62 f8 60 8c 53 4d 50 7f 5b f8 58 7f 63 f8 60 8c 54 4d 50 7f 5c f8 58 7f 64 f8 60 8c 55 4d 50 7f 5d f8 58 7f 65 f8 60 8c 56 4d 50 7f 5e f8 58 7f 66 f8 60 01 68 01 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00") ../GSEOS_scripts\[15]: sleep(1) ../GSEOS_scripts\[16]: efw.idpu_load("00006080", " 00 69 00 6a 7f 51 fe 50 7f 59 f8 58 7f 61 f8 60 7f 52 fe 50 7f 5a f8 58 7f 62 f8 60 7f 53 fe 50 7f 5b f8 58 7f 63 f8 60 7f 54 fe 50 7f 5c f8 58 7f 64 f8 60 7f 55 fe 50 7f 5d f8 58 7f 65 f8 60 7f 56 fe 50 7f 5e f8 58 7f 66 f8 60 01 68 02 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 69 00 6a 67 51 61 50 86 59 5e 58 86 61 5e 60 67 52 61 50 86 5a 5e 58 86 62 5e 60 67 53 61 50") ../GSEOS_scripts\[17]: sleep(1) ../GSEOS_scripts\[18]: efw.idpu_load("00006100", " 86 5b 5e 58 86 63 5e 60 67 54 61 50 86 5c 5e 58 86 64 5e 60 67 55 61 50 86 5d 5e 58 86 65 5e 60 67 56 61 50 86 5e 5e 58 86 66 5e 60 01 68 03 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 69 00 6a 7f 51 fe 50 7f 59 f8 58 7f 61 f8 60 7f 52 fe 50 7f 5a f8 58 7f 62 f8 60 7f 53 fe 50 7f 5b f8 58 7f 63 f8 60 7f 54 fe 50 7f 5c f8 58 7f 64 f8 60 7f 55 fe 50 7f 5d f8 58 7f 65 f8 60") ../GSEOS_scripts\[19]: sleep(1) ../GSEOS_scripts\[20]: efw.idpu_load("00006180", " 7f 56 fe 50 7f 5e f8 58 7f 66 f8 60 01 68 04 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 69 00 6a 8c 51 4d 50 7f 59 f8 58 7f 61 f8 60 8c 52 4d 50 7f 5a f8 58 7f 62 f8 60 8c 53 4d 50 7f 5b f8 58 7f 63 f8 60 8c 54 4d 50 7f 5c f8 58 7f 64 f8 60 7f 5d f8 58 7f 65 f8 60 8c 56 4d 50 7f 5e f8 58 7f 66 f8 60 01 68 7f 55 f8 50 01 68 05 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00") ../GSEOS_scripts\[21]: sleep(1) ../GSEOS_scripts\[22]: efw.idpu_load("00006200", " 00 69 00 6a 7f 51 fe 50 7f 59 f8 58 7f 61 f8 60 7f 52 fe 50 7f 5a f8 58 7f 62 f8 60 7f 53 fe 50 7f 5b f8 58 7f 63 f8 60 7f 54 fe 50 7f 5c f8 58 7f 64 f8 60 7f 55 fe 50 7f 5d f8 58 7f 65 f8 60 7f 56 fe 50 7f 5e f8 58 7f 66 f8 60 01 68 06 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 69 00 6a 67 51 61 50 86 59 5e 58 86 61 5e 60 67 52 61 50 86 5a 5e 58 86 62 5e 60 67 53 61 50") ../GSEOS_scripts\[23]: sleep(1) ../GSEOS_scripts\[24]: efw.idpu_load("00006280", " 86 5b 5e 58 86 63 5e 60 67 54 61 50 86 5c 5e 58 86 64 5e 60 67 56 61 50 86 5e 5e 58 86 66 5e 60 01 68 7f 55 fe 50 7f 5d f8 58 7f 65 f8 60 01 68 07 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 69 00 6a 7f 51 fe 50 7f 59 f8 58 7f 61 f8 60 7f 52 fe 50 7f 5a f8 58 7f 62 f8 60 7f 53 fe 50 7f 5b f8 58 7f 63 f8 60 7f 54 fe 50 7f 5c f8 58 7f 64 f8 60 7f 55 fe 50 7f 5d f8 58 7f 65 f8 60") ../GSEOS_scripts\[25]: sleep(1) ../GSEOS_scripts\[26]: efw.idpu_load("00006300", " 7f 56 fe 50 7f 5e f8 58 7f 66 f8 60 01 68 08 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00") ../GSEOS_scripts\[27]: sleep(1) ../GSEOS_scripts\[28]: efw.idpu_load("00006380", " 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00") ../GSEOS_scripts\[29]: sleep(1) ../GSEOS_scripts\[30]: verify_cmdcount() ../GSEOS_scripts\[202]: wait(APID_267, lambda: APID_267.CMDTOT==APID_267.CMDEXP, flTimeout=15) ../GSEOS_scripts\[202]: wait(APID_267, lambda: APID_267.CMDTOT==APID_267.CMDEXP, flTimeout=15) ../GSEOS_scripts\[202]: wait(APID_267, lambda: APID_267.CMDTOT==APID_267.CMDEXP, flTimeout=15) ../GSEOS_scripts\[202]: wait(APID_267, lambda: APID_267.CMDTOT==APID_267.CMDEXP, flTimeout=15) ../GSEOS_scripts\[202]: wait(APID_267, lambda: APID_267.CMDTOT==APID_267.CMDEXP, flTimeout=15) ../GSEOS_scripts\[31]: sleep(1) ../GSEOS_scripts\[32]: cmd.EFW_SRMWRTCTL(PROTECT=1) ../GSEOS_scripts\[34]: cmd.efw_dumptabl(12,0) ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[57]: print >> log, 'Setting internal filter banks to e12dc and scmu' ../GSEOS_scripts/General\[58]: cmd.EFW_DFB_FB_INT(FB_FREQBANDS=1, FB_ENA4=1, FB_ENA3=1, FB_SPD=9, FB_SEL4=6, FB_SEL3=0)