RBSP-EFW Data Products ./bench-tests Data generated by GSEOS during instrument testing at UCB. (Via the SCE) ./burst_selection Contains symlinks to the burst selection CDF files. ./efwcmds Contains .efwcmds files, which are the automatically generated time-tagged commands that set the BEB mode for eclipse, psphere, and shadow events. ./etu-tests Data generated by GSEOS during testing with ETU at any point during or after INT. (Via the SCE) ./glitches Contains .csv format 1-sec glitch report files, generated by cron once per day. ./int-tests Data generated by GSEOS during integration at APL. (Realtime and playback data delivered to GSEOS via the MOC) ./logs Log files generated by RBSP-EFW SOC processes. ./MOC_data_products Contains selected APL MOC data products, including L0 TLM (for EFW) acquired post launch. ./MOC_data_products_MSIM Contains selected APL MOC data products, including L0 TLM (for EFW) acquired prior to launch. This is a static snapshot of the above MOC_data_products directory made just prior to launch, when APL cleaned all of the test/MSIM data off of the MOC data server. ./on-orbit Data collected by GSEOS during on-orbit operations. This is just a backup of any realtime or playback data received by GSEOS. It is a subset of the MOC L0 data set produced by the MOC, and is not used for any processing. ./rbspa ./rbspb L1 CDF data products. Note that there are a few subdirectories under rbspa/rbspb - they are for older sets of L1 data: ./rbsp[a,b]/l1 This is the nominal L1 data generated from MOC_data_products L0 data. It is automatically generated and up-to-date. ./rbspa/l1_etu This is ETU data which has been processed into L1 cdf format. It is generated from the etu-tests L0 data once per day. ./rbsp[a,b]/l1_int This is ./int-tests L0 data converted to L1. Not a nominal data product. During commissioning l1_int data is generated from L0 files in the on-orbit directory on an hourly basis. ./rbsp[a,b]/l1_msim This is L1 data generated from MOC_data_products_MSIM. Not a nominal data product. Not automatically updated. ./rbsp_docs_pub The public RBSP site of record. This directory structure is the output of the svn_publisher program. A cron job owned by ML copies this tree to the real ftp site location on apollo. ./spice_kernels Folder contains symlinks to the latest MOC-supplied spice kernels, which are used by various GSE and SOC processes.